5 steps.

Never has it been said that reaching out to the wake community is an easy task. Wakeboarders are by far one of the toughest groups to break through and share the Truth with that we have encountered.

But within the wake community you will find the aspect of family unlike many other groups of people we’ve ever encountered. Wakeboarders are among some of the most creative individuals in the world. They are extremely disciplined, authentic, hard workers, risk-takers, and driven to succeed. These are the kind of individuals we believe Jesus pursued.

As we look at the life of Jesus, we see him meeting people right where they are, going to the needy and spending time with those whose lives were truly broken. He says it perfectly himself in Mark 2:17, “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, it is the sick.” Jesus came to call the sinners and reach the lost.

As wakeboarding is growing rapidly worldwide, the wake community is becoming more and more of an UNREACHED people group. This is the very reason Wake Church Movement exists.

We love the wake community. We are a part of it, value it, and see so many amazing and positive aspects that are often times overlooked. Our hope and prayer is that this too is your heart and you have recognized a need and an open door to combine your faith alongside this passion. Our hope is that this simple resource will inspire you to reach out to the wakeboarders in your hometown, as we believe them to be one of the groups that are probably being reached out to the least.